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November 24, 2006

Friday 11/24/06

Didn't take Venom today and I am TIRED. I should have taken one in the AM. Today was a total waste. I worked 6-12 this morning, didn't have food prepared AGAIN. And ate offplan. I have to want this and not be prepared is total self-sabotage. Which is the 'old me'

Before I go to bed every night my food for the day must be planned/ready to go in the morning. No matter how tired I am, no matter the situation. Food will be ready.

Meeting with Blythe in the AM ...

1 comment:

  1. I bought the gladware and labelled them Meal #1, 2 etc. When I come home from work the first thing I do is clean them and my protein shake bottles. Then I immediately prepare for the next day. I try to get it all done before I sit down and get lazy.
